Rehab Therapy
Rehab physiotherapy aims at improving the functional abilities, mobility and strength along with the overall wellbeing of the patient. In addition to traditional rehabilitation methods, ApoKos also specializes in new age therapeutic approaches such as Manual Therapy, Neuromuscular Re-education Techniques, and Neuromuscular Pain Management with Electrotherapeutic Therapy…Read more
Rehab Therapy

Rehab physiotherapy aims at improving the functional abilities, mobility and strength along with the overall wellbeing of the patient. In addition to traditional rehabilitation methods, ApoKos also specializes in new age therapeutic approaches such as Manual Therapy, Neuromuscular Re-education Techniques, and Neuromuscular Pain Management with Electrotherapeutic Therapy…Read more
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy focuses on specific activities the patient might encounter in his everyday life and provides them targeted therapies to carry them out as independently as possible. Apart from the traditional rehabilitation model, ApoKos offers Functional Assessment and Training, Paediatric Hand Therapy, Neuro-developmental Techniques and Orthopaedic Hand Therapy…Read More

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy focuses on specific activities the patient might encounter in his everyday life and provides them targeted therapies to carry them out as independently as possible. Apart from the traditional rehabilitation model, ApoKos offers Functional Assessment and Training, Paediatric Hand Therapy, Neuro-developmental Techniques and Orthopaedic Hand Therapy…Read More

Robotic Technology
Keeping pace with the latest developments in rehabilitative technology, ApoKos employs a wide array of cutting edge tools in the recovery process of the patients. Revolutionary rehab robotic tools such as EKSO Bionic Exoskeleton, Erigo, Armeo Power, and Balance Master assist the patient during their rehabilitation treatments yielding effective and early results…Read More
Robotic Technology

Keeping pace with the latest developments in rehabilitative technology, ApoKos employs a wide array of cutting edge tools in the recovery process of the patients. Revolutionary rehab robotic tools such as EKSO Bionic Exoskeleton, Erigo, Armeo Power, and Balance Master assist the patient during their rehabilitation treatments yielding effective and early results…Read More
Speech and Swallow Therapy
Speech and Swallow Therapy addresses the difficulties the patient might be facing in communication, cognition, voice production and swallowing. The Speech & Language team of ApoKos evaluates the level of deficit the patient is experiencing and tailors treatments to meet their goals in recovery and post rehabilitation…Read More

Speech and Swallow Therapy

Speech and Swallow Therapy addresses the difficulties the patient might be facing in communication, cognition, voice production and swallowing. The Speech & Language team of ApoKos evaluates the level of deficit the patient is experiencing and tailors treatments to meet their goals in recovery and post rehabilitation…Read More

Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a psycho social intervention that uses evidence-based practice for treating mental conditions. At ApoKos, CBT focuses on development of personal coping strategies that target solving current problems and changing unhelpful patterns in cognitions, behaviours and emotional regulation…Read More
Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a psycho social intervention that uses evidence-based practice for treating mental conditions. At ApoKos, CBT focuses on development of personal coping strategies that target solving current problems and changing unhelpful patterns in cognitions, behaviours and emotional regulation…Read More
Medical Management
Medical management is concerned with managing open wounds sustained by the patient as a result of trauma, surgery or illnesses. At ApoKos, the medical management experts provide care to aid the healing process as well as positioning training and strategies to help the patient carry out their daily activities with minimal hindrance from their wounds…Read More

Medical Management

Medical management is concerned with managing open wounds sustained by the patient as a result of trauma, surgery or illnesses. At ApoKos, the medical management experts provide care to aid the healing process as well as positioning training and strategies to help the patient carry out their daily activities with minimal hindrance from their wounds…Read More