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How does Physiotherapy help in paralysis?

Our physiological function and emotional response are controlled by the communication between the central nervous system (consisting of the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (consisting of the sensory nerves). Any disruption in this communication or nerve impulses from the brain to muscles could affect muscle control and limb function adversely. This, in turn, leads to loss of coordination, muscle weakness and other physical impairments which could gradually progress to paralysis. An effective stroke rehabilitation program is thus crucial for paralysis cure. Paralysis occurs due to the damage to the nervous system or injury to the spinal cord. Sometimes even a stroke can be the underlying cause of paralysis whereby the brain is deprived of oxygen and this leads to neurological malfunctions. There is no certified treatment for paralysis cure. However, Rehab physiotherapy can go a long way in normalizing the patient’s limb function and muscle strength. Physiotherapy for paralysis is one of the best treatments as the exercises are aimed towards enhancing the mobility and functionality of the person. Experienced physiotherapists assess the physiological and physical condition of the patient and then come up with physical training that best befits their situation. New modes of paralysis...
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