Mobility assistive device rehabilitation | Apokos Rehab
Timing:10 am -7 pm

Points to consider for choosing the right Mobility Assistive Device

Mobility Assisting Equipment like crutches, walkers, canes, electronic and manual wheelchairs are an essential part of rehabilitation. Be it a severe neurological condition or an orthopedic injury, rehabilitation experts will prescribe patients the appropriate mobility device for early and safe mobility of the patient.

This vital piece of equipment is important for the health and independence of patients. The selection of this equipment depends on certain factors based on the patient’s –

  • Cognitive aspects
  • Current functional status
  • Past and current medical history
  • Recent changes in their medical condition

The rehab team will select the optimal mobility assistive device for patients, after considering the environment in which they will be using it. Taking into consideration the patient’s mobility limitations and their impact on activities of daily living, here are a few essential points –

  1. Physicians will assess and examine patient’s strength and range of motion of his joints. This is because cases of spasticity, joint abnormalities, weakness, and contractures affect their ability to ambulate and transfer safely.
  2. A crutch, cane , or walker is advised after taking in account the height , strength of upper extremity muscles and available range of motion of joints .
  3. Crucial features of the wheelchair will have an effect on the ability of transferring in and out of the wheel chair or moving from one place to another. Hence, the height, armrests, foot support of the wheelchair should be comfortable for patients.
  4. Ability of a person to self propel the wheel chair , relieve pressure , navigate thresh holds will decide the type of wheel chair and the quality of seating system for prevention of bed sores and easy ambulation.

Choosing a wheeled mobility device entails many a consideration. The device’s functionality, aesthetic aspect and it’s assistance in helping patients regain their movement are critical factors. At ApoKos Rehabilitation Hospital, specialists select the appropriate assistive device that works on their range of movement. Prescribing patients with a device that offers greater reliability and, flexible functionality is essential for the rehabilitation team.

Dr Anirudh Chirania
