0 to 3 Years Developmental Health Center ( D H C )
Dr. A Jagadish ,Neonate & Paediatric Early Interventionist (Neuro Developmental Disabilities ) from Hyderabad,India and Dr Meena Chintapalli Developmental & Behavioural Paediatrician ,San Antonio,Texas,USA are developing Apollo based 0-3 Years Developmental Health Centers to optimize learning in all domains of learning ( Physical health, Social Emotional Learning, Language and Literacy, and Cognitive Learning), holistic health and prevent many common Learning, Emotional and Neurodevelopmental Disorders like Autism Spectrum (ASD) and ADHD. This is a vision and mission-driven approach in early interventions based on the neuroscience research and evidence-based data, with 38+ years of experience, to assure holistic health and optimize and extract the inherent potentials in early child developmental trajectory. We believe that all children deserve to reach their highest potential, express their inherent talents, and be productive in society. Educare is root word for education that extracts inherent strengths with positive character development. Curriculum is designated as Educare Nurture Curriculum for Multi -Sensory Integration. Health is “Physical, Intellectual, Psychological, Social - Emotional and Spiritual wellness”. Any gaps in the above mentioned domains of health leads to some or other health related disorders and we can prevent through education and optimize the early brain structural and functional pathways that are formed...
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