apokos, Author at ApoKOS Rehabilitation - Best Rehab Centre in Hyderabad
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All posts by apokos

physiotherapy rehabilitation centre

How does Physiotherapy help in paralysis?

Our physiological function and emotional response are controlled by the communication between the central nervous system (consisting of the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (consisting of the sensory nerves). Any disruption in this communication or nerve impulses from the brain to muscles could affect muscle control and limb function adversely. This, in turn, leads to loss of coordination, muscle weakness and other physical impairments which could gradually progress to paralysis. An effective stroke rehabilitation program is thus crucial for paralysis cure. Paralysis occurs due to the damage to the nervous system or injury to the spinal cord. Sometimes even a stroke can be the underlying cause of paralysis whereby the brain is deprived of oxygen and this leads to neurological malfunctions. There is no certified treatment for paralysis cure. However, Rehab physiotherapy can go a long way in normalizing the patient’s limb function and muscle strength. Physiotherapy for paralysis is one of the best treatments as the exercises are aimed towards enhancing the mobility and functionality of the person. Experienced physiotherapists assess the physiological and physical condition of the patient and then come up with physical training that best befits their situation. New modes of paralysis...
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Rehabilitation robotics Centre

Robotics is Shaping the Future of Rehabilitation

Certain medical injuries can be devastating, and patients often fall back on rehabilitation to cope up with their future. The immense progress in robotic technology has produced positive results for the healthcare industry. It has assisted patients in their journey of rehabilitation and provided the therapists with upgraded tools. Rehabilitation robotics aims to scale the benefits attained by patients during their journey of rehabilitation. This is done using certain robotic devices like an exoskeleton. The technology is designed to analyze the patient’s current physical capacity and aids in certain types of training that may extend the capacity further. Rehabilitation robotics signifies the dawn of a new era in the field of healthcare. Patients, who have suffered spinal cord injuries or strokes, can avail of the therapy of robotic devices. IS IT UPGRADING THE PROCESS OF REHABILITATION? They are of immense use when it comes to arm therapy. Arm therapy involves arm movements that can restore a patient’s shoulder, elbow, and hand. With robotic technology, the patient can be administered with various hand movements. The machine can judge the condition of the patient’s arm muscles and accordingly, exercises will be performed by the machine. Thus, arm therapy is much more efficient...
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spine rehab centre

Rehabilitation in Lumbar Spine Injuries

An intense force on the waist might lead to a lumbar spine injury which involves the five vertebrae between the rib cage and the pelvis. The lumbar spine refers to the lowest portion of the spinal cord, consisting of the five vertebrae (L1-L5) below the thoracic section and above the minor sacral spine section. Symptoms of lumbar spine injury can range from mild pain to paraplegia with loss of function in lower limbs. With the proper recuperative measures through rehabilitation, patients can regain their independence and increase their strength and mobility. Lumbar spine rehabilitation focuses on strengthening lumbar muscles. Core exercises are done to enable spinal stabilization. An intense rehabilitation for patients who have undergone lumbar spine injuries generally involves the following treatment modalities. Core muscle strengthening: Strengthening exercises are carried out along with psychological assessment, for a holistic recovery. Human muscles are comprised of two types of muscle fibres namely slow/aerobic and fast/anaerobic. Posture and antigravity functions of the body are largely determined by slow muscle fibres whereas actions related to agility and strength are governed by the fast muscle fibres. A proper exercise program corrects muscular imbalance, leads to recruitment of muscle fibres, and strengthens muscles which helps...
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How rehabilitation helps CABG patients

WHAT IS CABG? Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the type of surgery that is performed on individuals with severe coronary heart disease (CHD) or coronary artery disease. The coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscles. In people suffering from CHD plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. The plaque is an amalgamation of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other particles. Owing to the presence of plaque in the arteries, the normal blood flow to the heart is restricted. The reduction in blood flow because of narrowing of coronary arteries can lead to chest pain, angina, shortness of breath and even heart attack. During the CABG procedure, a healthy (plaque-free) coronary artery is connected or grafted to the blocked artery. This grafted artery or vein creates a new passage for the oxygen-rich blood to reach the heart muscles and the danger is obviated. Thus a CABG procedure creates a bypass with the healthy artery around the blocked coronary artery. REHABILITATION FOR PATIENTS AFTER CABG Cardiac rehabilitation is usually sought out by patients after they undergo a CABG procedure. Post- CABG, rehabilitation is administered to patients, which involve a systematic assessment of the patient’s physical and psychological aspects. The team...
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spine rehab centre

Testimonial: Priyam Goswami

Mrs. Goswami talks about her husband's journey to recovery with ApoKOS Rehabilitation Once in a while we are given a special gift-- a gift that has meaning, a gift that cares, a gift that truly impacts one's life. APOKOS Rehabilitation Hospital has been that gift to us.   A massive brain stroke in September 2016 reduced my husband to a faint shadow of his former self. His left side was totally paralysed making him almost completely immobile. He lost his speech and all his fine motor skills leaving him with little scope for communication. He was unable to swallow anything---solids or liquids,and continuous bouts of coughing often resulted in shortness of breath and increasing dependence on assisted oxygen. Physically, mentally and emotionally his condition was extremely fragile.   We soon realised that the facilities in the hospital in Guwahati where he was undergoing treatment were inadequate to deal with the situation. After many frantic enquiries we eventually zeroed down on APOKOS and that is where we brought him in an air ambulance at the end of November.   From the moment I set foot at APOKOS , I knew intuitively that I had come to the right place. Two months...
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Stroke Rehabilitation Program

Testimonial: Cynthia Wakonyo

Cynthia Wakonyo talks about her journey to recovery with ApoKOS Rehabilitation ONE YEAR LATER……. The images are still so very clear in my mind….The ambulances, the stretchers, the wheel chairs….. Yet, what could have been a horrible memory has turned out to be beautiful memories filled with so many lessons. One year later, I can confirm that I made solid friendships in Hyderabad India. Mumtaz, who never left my side and always had a smile regardless of the time of day. From my ‘nurse’ to my ‘sister’ who still sends me almost daily messages even enquiring whether I have had my dinner on that particular day. Dr. Prabhatt Lakkireddi – my Doctor/Surgeon per excellence!! Every visit to your office was truly a ‘growth’ experience for me. Even before you operated you had already taken me on a step by step journey of what to expect. You were an encourager and cheer leader all the way. I loved the “Lakki scope” messages you would have on your white board. Truly, a brilliant mind. On the 5th of June 2017 I finally had the knee replacement surgery. It was and continues to be a success story. The story of healing then began…….....
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How Rehabilitation Helps COPD patients

Role of Rehabilitation in COPD Patients

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a collective term referring to progressive lung diseases. These include emphysema, chronic bronchitis and refractory (non-reversible) asthma. It is chiefly characterised by shortness of breath and a sense of tightness in the chest. People suffering from this disease face relentless hurdles in their everyday life while going about their normal routine. Consequently, medication cannot be the only way to tackle with their life situation. Pulmonary rehabilitation is a way of treating and assisting the patient physically, emotionally and psychologically. The program basically focuses on rebuilding and enhancing the patient’s capability to enjoy their lifestyle smoothly. Pulmonary rehabilitation as a recuperative measure The objective is never to let the disease become a hindrance in their daily life. Pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD involves certain activities that may enable the patient to cope better with their breathlessness. These include limb exercises, breathing techniques, dietary plan and imparting full-fledged knowledge about the condition and the accompanying medication. In order to join a pulmonary rehabilitation program, one has to get a referral from their respective doctor. The report should confirm that they are suffering from COPD. Then the patient will collaborate with a team...
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Robotics in Rehabilitation

Robotics is Shaping the Future of Rehabilitation

Certain medical injuries can be devastating, and patients often fall back on rehabilitation to cope up with their future. The immense progress in robotic technology has produced positive results for the healthcare industry. It has assisted patients in their journey of rehabilitation and provided the therapists with upgraded tools. Rehabilitation robotics aims to scale the benefits attained by patients during their journey of rehabilitation. This is done using certain robotic devices like exoskeleton. The technology is designed to analyze the patient’s current physical capacity and aids in certain types of training that may extend the capacity further. Rehabilitation robotics signifies the dawn of a new era in the field of healthcare. Patients, who have suffered spinal cord injuries or strokes, can avail the therapy of robotic technology. IS IT UPGRADING THE PROCESS OF REHABILITATION? They are of immense use when it comes to arm therapy. Arm therapy involves arm movements that can restore a patient’s shoulder and arm motor function. With robotic technology, the patient can be administered with various hand movements. The machine judges the condition of the limb and how much pressure should be exerted on a daily basis. Thus, the arm therapy is much more efficient with...
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Medical Management is the Key to Holistic Healing

WHAT IS MEDICAL MANAGEMENT? There has been a marked increase in health care costs in the past couple of decades. People often face financial impediment in accessing quality medical care. Moreover people even become clueless about the plan of treatment and the therapy prescribed to them even after availing a proper health insurance plan. Herein comes the role of medical management. It is an assimilation of processes that enables the deliverance of proper medical care to the concerned person. It involves injury assessment, provision of medical aid and assistance with the nitty-gritties of treatment for a proper recovery. The objective is to ascertain that the right treatment is given to the person in need. Any doubt related to the medical procedure is also resolved. The concerned authorities do clinical evaluation of the patient and also guard them against unwarranted expenditure. BENEFITS OF MEDICAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Deploying technology: The services of medical management involve the smart use of information technology. With the massive amount of data on patient history and medical treatments available, the concerned patient can be advised accordingly. Analytical tools and predictive modeling further help in guaranteeing the correct treatment and recovery measures to a particular individual. Effective medical...
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How Exoskeleton is Empowering Rehabilitation?

Scientific technology has progressed in leaps and bounds in the past decade. Medical specialists have found solutions for various disabilities and ailments. They have harnessed technology to get productive results for the medical industry. Similarly rehabilitation robotics like exoskeleton has played an immense role in aiding physically impaired individuals. The exoskeleton technology has enhanced the mobility of many disabled people. The healthcare industry has ignited new hopes of physical rehabilitation by the use of robotic exoskeleton. The exoskeleton is a wearable suit that operates with the help of motors, actuators, electromechanical and hydraulic systems. The wearer gradually gets accustomed to the electronic suit and the suit in turn imitates the user’s walk and gait. This kind of rehabilitation robotics has revolutionized the scope of treatment for patients with spinal cord injuries. It has been instrumental in giving them back their proper gait and restoring their unrestricted mobility. The exoskeleton suit is a breakthrough technology for people suffering from lower limb injuries. It has definitely empowered the process of rehabilitation and strengthened the morale of many out there. THE HEALING POWER: An exoskeleton suit is the coming of age technology, paving a hopeful future for patients suffering from paraplegia. Wheelchair-bound people...
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