August 2018 - ApoKOS Rehabilitation - Best Rehab Centre in Hyderabad
Timing:10 am -7 pm

Archive for August 2018

Sponal Cord Injury

What are the Degrees and Categories of Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal cord injuries are of many degrees and can have extremely adverse effects on the body. They result in different types of post-injury conditions. There are mainly two degrees of spinal cord injury: Incomplete spinal cord injury: This form of an injury results in the spinal cord being partially severed. The injured person is, however, able to retain some functional abilities. There are three major types of incomplete spinal cord injury: Anterior Cord Syndrome – Injury to the front portion of the spinal cord. Central Cord Syndrome – Injury to the central part of the spinal cord. Brown-Sequard Syndrome – Injury to one whole side of the spinal cord. Complete spinal cord injury: In this case, the spinal cord is completely severed, resulting in a halt to every kind of functional capability. This kind of spinal cord injury may even lead to a state of paralysis. Injury can occur to any part of the spinal cord. Depending on the gravity of the injury, appropriate treatment processes must be conducted without delay. The major categories of spinal cord injury are: Paraplegia: This is also known as Hemiplegia. Paraplegia is a condition in which there is an impairment of sensory and motor...
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